ESFIR GIN is produced in one of the oldest Slovak distilleries.
The work juniper berries is a local tradition for centuries. Slovakia produces a unique spirit, Borovicka, obtained after maceration of these berries in grain alcohol.
An ancestral aroma is obtained from the subtle combination of 9 spices and herbs.
On the noise you will discover a good intensity of citrus fruits and juniper berries. While the ntasting will offer a dynamic and spicy attack then a full and refreshing evolution in which you will find the minty side of the juniper berry and a delicate citrus flavor of lemon and orange peel.
ESFIR GIN - 70cl / 40%volalc
E S F I R company and brand were created in2014 in France.
ESFIR VODKA is a Ultra Premium Vodka, distilled more than 10 times in a small family distillery in the Eastern Balkans, Bulgaria, in the heart of the RhodopeMountains.
It is 100% wheat-based and its water comes directly from a spring in the mountainsof Southern Bulgaria. Its taste, especially its sweetness in the mouth, make it one of the rarest high quality vodkas. It contains 37.5% pure alcohol.
The bottling is made in France, manually, and each bottle is thoroughly verified before the final delivery to our customers.
ESFIR VODKA is available in three different sizes : 0.7L, 1.5L and 3L. Each bottle, magnum and jeroboam is equipped with LED lights, which makes ESFIR very attractive in the nightlife, where the brand has been establishing it self more and more since 2015.
ESFIR will soon expand its range with 6L bottles as well as limited editions thatwill be released in just a few copies, in collaboration with various artists.
ESFIR VODKA – One of the rarest vodkas distributed in France.
L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé. A consommer avec modération.